Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Making the Most of Your Self Storage Space

Renting and utilizing self storage space is a great way to free up some much need room around your home or even in your garage, but many people simply don't use their self storage space to its fullest potential. Simply renting the biggest storage unit that a self storage facility has to offer is a sure way to fit in all of your extra stuff that you have causing the home clutter, but by doing so you are likely wasting much if the storage space and likewise wasting money.

There are several things that you can do that will allow you to perhaps rent a smaller and less expensive storage unit and it all depends on how you make use of the space you rent. Here are some tricks to help you get the most out of your self storage space:

• Organize: First things first, you have to get organized. Just because it is a self storage space doesn't mean that you can't organize and it has to be cluttered. Begin by organizing anything that is loose. Separate related items into different piles and when you have everything with its counterparts box up what you can. This saves a ton of space and allows you to keep loose items together rather than letting them overrun your self storage space.

• Stack: Many self storage units will have walls that go straight up to the ceiling and if this is the case with your self storage unit then you can stack your way to space savings. Start with sturdy and heavier items or boxes on the bottom and then stack up from there. It helps if you create a line of boxes or heavy items across the back of the storage unit and then stack up from there. Then simply work your way out as you go.

• Consolidate: Many people have multiple storage spaces and then begin to empty one or more of them slowly as time passes. If this describes you then you probably have the ability to consolidate your multiple spaces into one self storage space. This will save you money and time as you will only have one unit to dig through when attempting to find stored items and also one monthly bill.

• Fill Gaps: Many times as you stack up your items and boxes there will be a number of gaps that will present themselves, such as underneath a table for example. These gaps are wasted space if not filled. Even the smallest of gaps may be able to be utilized if you use your imagination and fill them with more items that you wish to store. The fewer gaps your unit has, the more self storage space you are using up.

There is no shame in renting a self storage space, in fact many people do. However, if you do not make the most of that space then you are literally throwing good money away. By being organized and by taking your time filling up your storage unit you too can make the most of your self storage area.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Kay

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4402599

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